Bhindi Recipe

Bhindi Recipe
  • Prep Time
    20 Mins
  • Cook Time
    30 Mins
  • Serving
  • View

Bhindi or okra is a widely used and much loved Pakistani vegetable. It has numerous benefits, including low-calorie, high-fiber, and vitamin C-rich food. Bhindi Recipe is widely used across Pakistan in different recipes, especially in the southern states. This article looks at how to cook bhindi, so it is not slimy and not chewy but perfectly tender and tasty.

There are many variations of Bhindi recipe depending on where you are. For example, some people add spices like garam masala or red chili powder when making it.

It’s also called lady finger or okra. Bhindi has an excellent source of Vitamin C, folic acid, and Vitamin B6, along with smaller amounts of other B vitamins and minerals such as copper, potassium, manganese, and iron. Let’s get started!



  • Daily Value*
  • Calories
  • Total Fat
  • Cholesterol
  • Total Carbohydrate


    Step 1

    Wash and dry the bhindi, then cut it from the front back and then heat the ghee and fry the bhindi in it

    Step 2

    then add chopped onions in the ghee - brown it lightly. And then add tomato and drain its water.

    Step 3

    Add green chilies and green coriander, and after that, add the bhindi and keep it on the tail.

    Step 4

    And after ten minutes, take it off the stove. Now the delicious bhindi is ready.

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