There are many brands of natural food colors you can find, but before choosing one that suits you and your household, check out this handy guide. You’ll find all the natural food colors you’ll ever need, along with an explanation of the exact process and possible health risks. Natural Food Colors Can Be Challenging to Use.
Some natural food colors are natural in the sense that they’re made of ingredients you would typically use yourself (and thus are most likely naturally derived or produced on your own property). However, natural food colors are not necessarily natural in their development. There is always the possibility that chemicals were used to create these natural ingredients. The synthetic processes used to create food colors are more hazardous in terms of potential risks to your health and can potentially make the colors look unnatural.
Always check the labels of food products. If the ingredients are a synthetic mix, then the chances of a potentially harmful ingredient in your food are increased. If you are unsure of what ingredients you’re eating, you can always call the manufacturer to find out the natural food colors used in the ingredients. All-natural foods can sometimes have issues with color.
What is the best method for changing the color of foods?
Watercolor paints are fantastic. Color pencils are great. But that’s all you get, only natural colors. That’s what everyone wants. They don’t want chemically colored vegetables. They want beautiful colored vegetables. This is why I love fluorescent food coloring. It makes vegetables look like food. Why do we put food coloring in apples, too? We do because it’s fun.
It’s what the kids want to do, but it’s not natural. Fluorescent colors are natural colors, and they look great in your organic garden. I’ve used a lot of them. One color I like for spinach, for instance, is fluorescent green. I get a big bag of spinach. Put it in water for two or three minutes. It comes out bright green. This is natural food coloring. Another one is neon purple for berries.
How should we remember what colors vegetables are?
People think white carrots are white carrots. They are red, and they’re very good for you. Just look at the colors you can get, with greens that are green and red. This is because of the green food coloring. With tomatoes, some people are all excited about the green tomato. But tomatoes are a blue color naturally.
If you put tomatoes in natural sunlight, they turn blue. All vegetables are made of chlorophyll, the plant’s main color. Your spinach looks blue because of chlorophyll, just like my tomatoes are blue because of chlorophyll. Another thing is that the blues are different because they have different wavelengths of light. Blue flowers have different wavelengths. Blue vegetables and fruit are different colors because of chlorophyll.
Are you using some of the fluorescent colors now in your garden?
I use green fluorescent soybeans. They come in bulk. They go through the factory just like they go through a regular seed factory. They’re stored under temperature-controlled conditions, so they don’t get hot, but they’re also stored under natural sunlight so they stay green.
Why are the colors of food so important?
I want to make things pretty. I want my customers to think my vegetables are beautiful. If I put colored carrots, orange carrots, green carrots, red carrots, and purple carrots, then they look like they’re made in a factory. They’re not really. They’re in your garden. This is what plants do naturally. This is what nature wants you to grow. If you grow tomatoes and they’re orange, then I want the orange color on my carrots. I want you to remember that it’s not a factory that makes these vegetables. It’s not a special chemical that we put in. This is nature.
I want people to remember food is natural, and it’s supposed to be natural. Don’t let people take your vegetables out of your garden and put them in a bag or throw them away, or take them to look like food. Make them look beautiful, and keep them healthy, and they’ll be healthy food, not food to be thrown away.
I’m really trying to do it in my garden with natural colors because I want to feed my family natural food colors that are healthy and beautiful.